A Complete Guide to Building a dating mobile app like Tinder.

A Complete Guide to Building a dating mobile app like Tinder.

Dec 04, 2023 Somendra Yadav Views : 2861
Build Dating App Like Tinder

Imagine a world where love begins with a simple swipe and ends with finding the perfect one without stepping out of the home. 

Really cool, Ah!! 

Undoubtedly, the technological revolution has changed the things that it perceives. From shopping to entertainment to dating— everything is modernized.  

That's why, now, finding the soulmate in the traditional way has somehow been wiped out, and a new era of swiping to find the 'made for each other’ has evolved.  

A mobile app like Tinder can help people discover their love in the digital universe— But finding love is more about the algorithm than destiny. Along with the algorithm, its user friendly and intuitive UI can make the matchmaking process impeccable.  

If you are curious to know how you can make an impressive app like Tinder, a Mobile app development company can help you! 

Comprehensive Guide: Build an impressive mobile app like Tinder

In this blog, you will dive deep into the profound guide that helps you build your mobile app like Tinder from scratch.   

What exactly is the Tinder App?

Tinder is a popular mobile dating app synonymous with the modern dating platform that revolutionized traditional match-making and brought the new era of swiping right and left to find a potential date. 

The user can discover their perfect match in conformity with geographic proximity and even exchange their thoughts via chat to know about each other before going on a physical date. 

Tinder's popularity has not been confined as it is widely available in more than 196 countries worldwide. Due to its high engagement rate and simple and immersive UI/UX design, it has become one of people's most-liked dating apps. 

How to build an attractive mobile app like Tinder: Key features & Functionalities


1. Simple Sign-in via social networks 

  • With these intuitive features, users don't need to wait for that time-consuming registration process, as the sign-in feature can make the process seamless. Users can sign in via social media networks like Facebook and Instagram. Or they can simply register by using their phone number. You may use any existing features or develop new add-on features; you may also consult Zenesys, a leading Mobile App Development Company. 
  • Social authentication can save most of the time as there is no need to get into the process of creating an account and confirming it via email. 
  • Due to its simple authentication process, users can find it very convenient to make a profile and even share it across social media platforms.

2. User Profile Editing 

  • It seems an easy feature, but it is extremely vital for users to make relevant changes to their profile— it happens both on the client and server side. On the client side, the edits can be done by entering users' gender/ bio/ photos; on the server side, all these changes get saved. 
  • Not only having a mobile application, Tinder goes beyond it and presents a feature of creating a web profile in which a user can click on the "Like me on Tinder" button and be redirected towards the application profile and look at the photos and other information. 

3. Geolocation 

  • It is a cornerstone for mobile dating applications. Without the Geolocation feature, the app is unable to find the people near you.  
  • Technically, for user-friendly and intuitive UI, Geolocation API and Core Location can be used to build a dating app like Tinder.

For iOS: Map Kit framework & CLLocation Manger class can be used. 

For Android: MapView classes & android.location package. 

4. Communication

  • It is a profound feature that allows users to chat only in case of mutual likes. Otherwise, Tinder does not let users’ chat. In other words—chat is disabled. If you want to leverage this function, it can be integrated with the help of HTTP or Restful API.  
  • Also, the Tinder profiles can connect with Instagram, which helps users look at the recent Instagram photos that are present on Tinder, although the content from the Tinder mobile app does not move to Instagram.

5. Smart matching 

  • With the evolution of artificial intelligence, dating apps can incorporate smart matches in their app based on preferences, location, age, gender, and hobbies. This will help users to find a compatible match.  
  • If you want to build your app like Tinder, you can also include the smart matching feature. The more features you incorporate, the more chances there are for the users to find their accurate match.  
  • Additionally, it will increase the likelihood of users using your app regularly. If you are thinking of using a smart matching feature for your app, a mobile app development company can include this feature effectively in your app. 

6. Push notifications

  • When user's profiles are matched with the help of an app algorithm, both sides receive a push notification. 
  • It is a great reminder that does not let users forget the app and brings them back to find their accurate match. 

7. Security

  • There is no doubt that apps are designed for entertainment purposes, but a dating app needs to be more secure as it might turn into a source of harassment. 
  • Tinder app consists of various safety measures, including photo verification, a Noonlight panic button, a criminal background check, etc., so that users may not fall into the trap or stay out of trouble. 
  • For building your dating app with appealing UI/UX design, including safety measures like that or more to make your app more authentic and trusted. 

In a Nutshell,


S.NO Features Description
1 Simple sign-in via social networks. A simple sign-in feature helps users create their profiles easily with a simple authentication process.
2 User Profile Editing A user can make changes on the client side, which may be saved on the server side. Along with a mobile app profile, a user may create a web profile for easy accessibility.
3 Geolocation With this feature, an app helps users find people near them. It is the basis of a mobile dating application.
4 Communication A so-great feature that lets users chat with mutual likes; otherwise, chat will get disabled.
5 Smart Matching Find the accurate match based on users’ preferences, age, location, etc.
6 Security It consists of many safety measures that help users avoid falling into the trap or getting into trouble.


Tinder Tech Stack


If you want to create an app like Tinder, you must know what tools and technologies Tinder has used while building their app.
Tinder Tech Stack Technologies & Tools used
Programming Tools  Java, Kotlin, Swift
Database MongoDB, MySQL
Framework React, Node.js, Express.js
Web Server AWS, Nginx
Cloud Storage Amazon S3
Payment Gateway Integration PayPal, Stripe, CCAvenue
Generalized Tools Google Maps, Elasticsearch, Google Analytics


Thinking how your app can use these tools and technologies to build an amazing app like Tinder? Zenesys, a mobile app development company with 120+ certified developers can assist you in building your dream mobile app. 

6-step comprehensive guide to building a dating app

Step 1: Determine niche & target audience

It is the backbone of any dating mobile app as it is responsible for providing a great user experience.


Many dating apps are available, like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, etc., with their unique tech stack that aligns with their objectives and customers' preferences. 

Let's say Tinder uses programming languages like Java, Kotlin, and Swift, while Bumble uses Java and Autolayout.

Step 2: Understand the matching algorithm

The algorithm for one business cannot work for another due to the different target audiences. So, while developing a dating app, you must understand your target audience's preferences with the help of asking them quick critical questions at the start of the signup process. According to a study, 64% of users find a date with shared interests, while 49% see an attractive date.

When you crack your own 'algorithm formula', only then you make your app hit, and nothing can give you the best inputs other than your loyal users.

Step 3: Choose your business model

Making an app does not get your work done; creating a revenue Roadmap is also a must.

An app like Tinder can provide a free version with limited right swipes and likes. In contrast, its premium business model, Tinder Plus, provides intuitive features like profile boosting, unlimited likes, advanced swipes, etc. 

So, selecting your business model and finding ways to maximize your ROI is a smart move.

Step 4: Right tech stack


It is the backbone of any dating mobile app as it is responsible for providing a great user experience. 

Many dating apps are available, like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, etc., with their unique tech stack that aligns with their objectives and customers' preferences. 

Let's say Tinder uses programming languages like Java, Kotlin, and Swift, while Bumble uses Java and Autolayout.

Step 5: Start developing your mobile app

Magnitude of options present in the marketplace, as you can hire a developer or a mobile app development company that can help you build a transformative mobile app like Tinder. 

It can be a groundbreaking decision as it can make or break your business— so choosing a mobile application development company with years of experience and a rich portfolio would be a good decision.

Step 6: Time to launch an MVP

Instead of creating the whole app, you can launch the MVP (minimum viable product) to understand how your app will perform in the market. Also, it will save much of your budget and time. Later, after gaining valuable insights, you can launch the full-fledged version.

Final Wordings

Many dating apps are pop up in various social media platforms when people scroll them. But if you want to stand out and make your app becomes “people’s favorite”—you may create an app that can solve your target audiences pain points and give them the comfort with its simple user interface with utmost security.

Still on the fence, how you can start your mobile app from scratch—don’t push the panic button.  Zenesys, a top-notch Mobile App Development Company with a decade of experience and team of professionals will assist you in building an app that stand out from the rest.



  • How much is the cost to develop an app like Tinder? 

The average cost may be between $ 50,000 and $ 55,000 to develop a mobile dating app. However, there is no certain answer as many app factors are there while calculating the accurate app cost.
  • What are the ways to monetize my dating app?

    There are many ways to monetize your dating app, including
    1. Subscription plans
    2. Membership fee
    3. Promotion & affiliate marketing
    4. In-app purchases
    5. Adverts
    6.  Freemium Model
    7. Customized swipe
    8. Unlimited swipes, etc.
  • How many hours are required to build a mobile dating app?

Building a mobile dating app from scratch depends on factors such as UI/UX design, frontend & backend development, quality assurance, project scope, etc. 

In general, the total time for building a mobile app would be 3250 hours (approx. 136 days).