About Client
Cinch CCM is a known name for providing community-based home care help. For the senior citizen who needs care, help multiple times a day. The care givers are reserved according to the shifts to help those in need.
Project Background
- The client needed a platform that can easily be operated by their customers and caregivers. They wanted a centralized platform (website) from where the customers and caregivers both can keep track of timings and can have a hassle-free task execution.
- An app that can help frequent mobile users. It is a user-friendly east to use app that can establish co-ordination between the organizations, service providers and the receivers.
Business Problem
- The two were reported to Zenesys in which they needed help. The very first and arduous issue was regarding their website. As they used Blazor server, the website lagged with the slightest internet disturbance. Website took time in loading and clients were losing their patience.
- They were looking for something that could engage their customers in a user-friendly manner. For which we suggested application development for mobile.
Business Objectives
Make website more responsive
Create a robust and scalable application
Connecting the caregiver with the client
Giving the everyone a smooth and user-friendly experience
Key Features
An engaging application that can help everyone in the business

Key Challenges
- Limited scalability: Application is able to handle a large number of concurrent connections.
- Latency: The round-trip time for a request-response cycle may be high as we need dedicated WebSocket connection.
- Memory usage: Application was consuming more memory as compared to other traditional web applications.
- High network usage: Applications consumed more network bandwidth as compared to other traditional web applications.
- Limited offline support: Application was able to support offline capabilities.
Zenesys Solution
We investigate the matter and conduct thorough research into what is wrong and what can be done. Taking website performance as priority, we shuffled several options to see which jack fits the best. Though there were several ways we could solve the issues. The reason that we didn't go forward with this option were:
- They were complicated
- They were time consuming
- They were overpriced for the customer
Hence, we needed an approach that was fit for our clients. We suggested Blazor Web assembly. Also, using Blazor assembly solved the primary issue of internet lagging. The Blazor WebAssembly is capable of operating in offline mode, which means a server connection is not necessary. A server is not necessary for serverless deployment; all that is required is a method to deliver the files to the browser. Finally, this kind of application may function without additional plugins in all contemporary browsers. This facilitates distribution across a wide range of devices.
Results and Outcomes
As per one of the most stringent requirements of the client, our engineers dedicated themselves to bringing out the perfect solution. The website is much more responsive with optimized workflow. We matched the ends with our unparalleled approach and solution. We created a user-friendly, easy navigable and robust application for the caregivers to access and execute their tasks as appointed. Also, the same application helped our client to monitor and assign the task to the caregivers. They experienced a rise in consumer retention and revenue generation as well.
Zenesys gave us the exact solutions that can resolve our issues. They helped us strengthen the performance of our existing website and aided us with an intuitive and responsive application. We highly recommend Zenesys