How to Create and what is the Process of Vue.js App Development?

How to Create App using Vue JS?- The Complete Guide

Aug 08, 2023 Somendra Yadav General Views : 1994
How to Create an App Using Vue JS
How is your Vue. Js-t Fine! 
If not, it will be post, you finish reading this blog. Vue.js is just one of the most fantastic JavaScript frameworks that empowers developers to craft incredible web applications with ease. If you're new to the world of web development or looking to enhance your skills, Vue.js app development is a perfect starting point. 

So, what makes Vue.js so special? 
If you are building your app using Lego-like blocks! Vue.js follows a component-based architecture, allowing you to break down your app's features into smaller, reusable pieces called components. This modularity not only simplifies the development process but makes your code cleaner and easy to maintain. 

One of the best benefits of Vue.js is its reactivity system. It's like magic! Any changes you make to your app's data automatically gets updated the user interface. Hence there no need for manual tinkering with the DOM. This two-way data binding makes creating real-time apps a breeze!

The exciting part! Our blog will take you on a journey from start to finish, guiding you through the complete process to create Vue app. We will kick start by setting up the development environment and introducing you to the fundamental Vue.js concepts. Then, we'll dive into more advanced topics like managing app state, fetching data from APIs, and implementing user interactions.

By the end of this guide, we will help you have the skills to create dynamic, interactive, and eye-catching web applications using Vue.js. Let's embark on this exciting adventure together! Get ready to unleash your creativity and become a Vue.js app development maestro!

Prerequisite of Vue.js App Development

Before diving into creating your Vue.js Android app, there are a few prerequisites that will set you up for success. Don't worry; it's nothing too complicated! Here's what you should have:

1. Basic Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Since Vue.js is a JavaScript framework, having a fundamental understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will make your journey much smoother. You don't need to be an expert, but familiarity with these languages will help you grasp Vue.js concepts a little better.

2. Text Editor

You will also need a text editor to write your code. Popular options include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom. They offer useful features like syntax highlighting and auto-completion, making your coding experience enjoyable.

3. Node.js and NPM

Vue.js mostly depends upon Node.js and its package manager, NPM, for setting up the development environment and managing dependencies. Install Node.js from the official website, and NPM will come with it. 

If you need a quick refresher or are new to these concepts, don't worry! There are plenty of resources available online to help you get started. Websites like Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) and freeCodeCamp offer excellent tutorials on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, you can find Vue.js documentation and beginner-friendly tutorials on the Vue.js website. 

With these prerequisites in place, you're all set to embark on your Vue.js Android app development journey. Get ready to create exciting and interactive apps that will delight users on the go! Happy coding! 

Setting-up Vue Mobile App Development Environment

To create a mobile app with Vue.js, you will first need to set up your development environment. Let's walk you through the process step by step:

1. Installing Node.js and NPM  

  • •    Head over to the official Node.js website ( and download the latest stable version for your operating system. 
  • •    Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Node.js. 
  • •    After installing Node.js, you'll automatically get NPM (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. To verify the installation, open your terminal or command prompt and type node -v and NPM -v. You should see the versions displayed, indicating that both Node.js and NPM are successfully installed.

2. Creating a New Vue.js Project using Vue CLI

  • •  With the help of the robust command-line tool Vue CLI, you can easily scaffold Vue.js projects. Open your terminal and type the command NPM install -g @vue/cli to install the Vue CLI.  
  • •  After installing Vue CLI, launch Vue create project-name in the terminal to start a fresh Vue.js project. Change "project-name" to the name of the app you want.  
  • •  You will be prompted to select a preset by Vue CLI. You can either manually pick features based on your project requirements or choose the default setup, which includes the basic configurations to get started.  
  • •  Once the project has been created, use the command cd project-name to get to the project folder. 

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your development environment and created a new Vue.js project using Vue CLI. You're now all set to dive into the exciting world of Vue mobile app development. Happy coding!

3. Understanding the Concepts of Vue.JS

To create a Vue.js Android app, it's essential to understand some key Vue.js concepts that form the foundation of the framework. Let's briefly introduce them:

1. Components: Components are like building blocks of a Vue.js app. They are reusable and self-contained pieces of code that encapsulate the app's UI and functionality. Think of them as Lego bricks that you can assemble to create your app.

2. Templates: Templates in Vue.js define the structure of your app's HTML. They provide markups and allow you to bind data and create dynamic content. It's where you design how your app looks and behaves.

3. Data: Data in Vue.js refers to the information or variables that are used in your app. You can define data in a component and use it within the template to display dynamic content.

3. Methods: Methods are functions defined in a Vue.js component that can be called to perform certain actions. They allow you to add interactivity to your app by responding to user events or triggering actions.

4. Computed Properties: The data from the app is used to calculate and return values for computed characteristics. When you need to extract values from already-existing data without changing the original data, they come in handy.

You can consult the official Vue.js documentation ( for a more thorough grasp of these ideas and how they interact. In-depth explanations, examples, and code snippets are provided in the documentation to make it easy for you to understand Vue.js and create stunning Android apps. Happy coding and learning!

4. Creating the Main App Component

The main Vue component serves as the root of our Vue.js app. It is the starting point where all other components will be nested. The structure of the component typically consists of three sections:

1. Template: The template section defines the HTML markup for the component. This is where we design the layout and structure of our app's user interface using Vue's template syntax. You can use data binding and directives to make the template dynamic and responsive.
2. Script: The script section contains the JavaScript code for the component. Here, we define the component's data, methods, computed properties, and any other logic required for its functionality. It acts as the brain of the
component, controlling how it behaves and interacts with the user.
3. Style: The style section allows us to define the component's CSS styles. We can use plain CSS or preprocessors like SASS or LESS to style the component according to our app's design requirements. 

5. Building the App Layout: 

To design the app layout, we can break it down into smaller, reusable components. For example, we can create separate components for the header, sidebar, footer, and other UI elements. These components can be used across multiple pages, making our code more organized and easier to maintain.

To create a reusable component, we define its template, script, and style sections as mentioned earlier. Then, we can use this component in the main app component's template by simply including it like any other HTML element.

6. Managing State with Vuex

Vuex is a state management library for Vue.js that helps us manage the application's state in a centralized manner. It provides a store where we can store and access data that needs to be shared among different components. This ensures that the app's data remains consistent and synchronized across the entire application.

To set up a Vuex store, we define the state, mutations, actions, and getters. The state represents the app's data, mutations are functions to modify the state, actions handle asynchronous operations like API calls, and getters retrieve data from the state in a computed manner.

7. Fetching Data from APIs:

To fetch data from APIs, we can use popular libraries like Axios or Vue Resource. We define methods in our component to make API calls using these libraries. Since API calls are asynchronous, we handle them inside the actions in our Vuex store.

When the API call is successful, we update the state using mutations to store the fetched data. The components can then access this data from the state using getters and display it in the app's template. 

By following these steps, we can create a well-structured Vue.js Android app with a clean layout and efficient state management. Happy coding!

8. Routing with Vue Router

Vue Router is a powerful tool that enables client-side routing in a Vue.js app, allowing users to navigate between different pages or components without a full page reload. To get started, we install Vue Router using npm and import it into our main app component. We then define routes that map URLs to specific components. When a user clicks on a link or enters a URL, Vue Router dynamically renders the appropriate component without reloading the entire page.

9. Implementing User Interactivity

Adding interactivity to our Vue.js Android app is crucial for enhancing the user experience. We can achieve this by adding event handlers to elements like buttons and forms. For example, we can use the @click directive to respond to button clicks and execute corresponding methods. Similarly, we can handle form submissions with the @submit directive. These event handlers allow us to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

10. Styling the App


Vue.js provides flexibility when it comes to styling our app. We can use inline styles directly in templates or use CSS modules to scope our styles to specific components. Alternatively, we can use preprocessors like SASS or LESS to enhance our CSS. It's essential to organize and manage our CSS effectively to avoid conflicts and make the codebase more maintainable. One approach is to follow the BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) methodology, which promotes a modular and structured way of writing CSS. 

11. Deploying the App

To deploy our Vue.js Android app for production, we first build the app using Vue CLI with the command npm run build. This generates optimized and minified files for production. We can then host the app on platforms like Netlify, Vercel, or GitHub Pages. Additionally, we can use cloud services like AWS or Firebase for more complex deployments.


In this guide, we've covered the fundamental aspects of creating a Vue.js Android app. We've explored Vue Router for navigation, added interactivity with event handlers, and discussed various approaches to styling the app. As you continue your Vue mobile app development journey, don't hesitate to explore more advanced Vue.js concepts and take on exciting projects to further enhance your skills and build stunning apps.

Frequently Asked Question

 Q1. How can I handle user input in Vue.js?

Utilize the "v-model" directive to bind form elements to data properties. This two-way data binding allows easy handling of user input and updates to the data.

Q2. Can I use Vue.js with other frameworks?

Yes, Vue.js can be used alongside other frameworks like React or Angular. It is designed to be flexible and can adapt to various project requirements.

Q3. Is Vue.js relevant in the future?

Yes, Vue.js is likely to remain relevant in the future due to its simplicity, flexibility, and growing community support. Its progressive nature and ease of integration make it a strong contender in web development.